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Shy artist Mahiru Kozuki teams up with former idol Kano Yamanouchi to form a group called JELEE and share their art.

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Thanks for the warning, good thing I didn't pick this up.


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>It's a feminist's wet dream.

Should've just started with this.



>throughout the episode, I did think she should just rebrand to a 31 year old single mother idol

She should've started a mother-daughter idol group.



I'm convinced that "gap moe" is a loophole term to try to justify anti-moe characters as somehow being on the rank of actual Moe characters. It's quite petty.



Is this even how gape moe is normally used? I always understood the term in the same way Urban Dictionary defines it

>Gap Moe is when a character does something completely contradictory to what their usual habits/personality/character/appearence dictates.

In her case she's just a hag idol. There's no contradiction in her usual appearance or personality.

It would be gap moe if she normally acted very serious and/or strict and only had this cutesy idol side in secret. The viewer also wouldn't know about this hidden side for a rather long time.


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Coolest Onii-sama returns yet again. Exit, Saegusa-senpai. Enter, idiot Saegusa-twins.

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In earlier seasons, why did the mc nuke and murder that naval base and those innocent sailors and murder tens of thousands? I had to drop it before finding out, since him both being absurdly uncharismatic and a murderous, lying coward was too much. Even his sister, who's the main love interest in the show, in the first season, kills a dozen unarmed, defenseless prisoners in a really cruel way, and the show presents this as a fine thing to do. Bizarrely, she's still presented as a desirable, sweet waifu. Another one of the "good guy" protagonists chops off a beaten guy's arm in anger. Absolutely no acknowledgement from the show that he did anything wrong. These characters' viciousness is mixed with self-righteous speeches from them, other characters talking about how great and virtuous they are and lighthearted slice of life content. It's all very grating and disgusting. What's up with the morality of the show? Does the writer really not understand that these are some nasty people?



>in earlier seasons, why did the mc nuke and murder that naval base and those innocent sailors and murder tens of thousands?

In earlier seasons, why did the mc nuke the naval base and murder tens of thousands of innocent sailors?*



>those innocent sailors


I think you mean to say.

On the off-chance this isn't bait, it's extrordinarily wrong.

>Even his sister, who's the main love interest in the show, in the first season, kills a dozen unarmed, defenseless prisoners in a really cruel way, and the show presents this as a fine thing to do.

No, she doesn't.

A group of equality fags that attacked schoolkids (who tries to shoot her when she was unarmed from the antinite, and funded by the chinks to destabilise japan) were, accidentally, killed although later revivied.

Miyuki tried to freeze them but couldn't control her power fully at that point (in part due to part of her strength going to the seals on Tatsuya).

She is shown as broken up and relieved they were revived. Admittedly the anime doesn't go into as much detail as the LN, but the aforementioned was shown.

>Another one of the "good guy" protagonists chops off a beaten guy's arm in anger. Absolutely no acknowledgement from the show that he did anything wrong.

You are either retarded or horribly disengenuous.

The "good guy" is Kirihara, one of the first minor antagonists who attacked Mibu in the gym, he is shown to have anger issues prior and just encountered the guy who manipulated his girlfriend.

>why did the mc nuke and murder that naval base

Because they were launching an invasion retard.

None of this is presented as innocent, there is a lack, not an absence though, of faggotry over killing due to the setting.

Magicians are bio-engineered weapons for the most part, ~40% of graduates go into the military.

Much of the later overarching plot is trying to escape that cycle.





At that point, he's not. A few scenes later, he's standing around with the mc, flirting and joking and clearly being treated as a friend. Anyway, no one had any real problem with him dismembering a prisoner, which doesn't seem like appropriate protagonist behavior to me.

>launching an invasion

I've told you that I dropped the show. 3/4 through the first season, there was no mention of a motive.

>accidental killings

What I remember seeing was the mc leaving her to guard them, them being helpless and him warning her about sullying her hands by killing them. Regarding her, next, she is slightly upset, being comforted and told that what happened was ok. Beside the pair, one of the victims' body is carried on a stretcher, and it's not moving. There's no mention of them being revived or accidentaly dying.


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Man runs away from problems to a remote Japanese island, discovers a cute girl who plays golf on a secret golf course with an angry grandpa.

It's a pretty comfortable show so far, doesn't have the sort of over the top bullet golfing of Birdie Wing or the yuri aspect, but Tonbo herself is genki and anons can heal watching her run, jump, and fish inbetween bouts of showing her new friend Igaigai around the island.

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Tonbo jumps off a cliff to prove a point about rules.

Then Igaiga gets butthurt.


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Cute golf niece.


>lighten up the sour mood the serious igaigai always seems to create.

That's one way to say advanced bullying perpetrated by Tonbo.

I wonder what plan he has in store for leaving the island to go get an Okinawan golf loli.



>I wonder what plan he has in store for leaving the island to go get an Okinawan golf loli.

The only thing I can assume would work would be that he's going to get the golf niece to come to the island and play with her. Then she'd have a reason to want to leave the island, to visit a friend. That said… I doubt he's smart enough to come up with something as cunningly kind as that, so he's probably going to go buy something stupid or some other half baked idea that will fail in the face of pure innocence.


>I hope he learns she has her life figured out.

I don't think I agree that she has her life figured out. I mean, she's found a place she wants to be and is content, but she's just a kid so it's normal for her to be satisfied like that. There's that saying about you don't know what you've got until it's gone but it's the same for the reverse too, you can't want what you don't know about. Tonbo lives in a PTSD induced state of comfort, she refuses to expose herself to new experiences because of the pain and hurt that was caused to her by being out in the world. She's self-isolating, and I don't think it's bad that she's happy, but I can imagine that as she grows older and eventually wants to have children or similar, that that pain is going to surface or compound in ways that could lead her into harm.

It's not bad that Igaigai wants her to be able to leave the island, but it's bad that the only reason he wants her to leave the island is to show her golf to the world. He doesn't care about Tonbo herself with his goal, he cares about his own projections of desire.


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>Character development

I think Yoko might be pregnant.

Anyway, enough about that, we got a fresh delivery of Okinawan tomboy golf loli.


>he's probably going to go buy something stupid

A moped and bread isn't the most stupid thing, but I think only the bread helped Tonbo get in a better mood.


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I think Tonbo just got herself a rival, and maybe the desire to go pro.


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 No.1179312[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Seems like the Gēmu Club is still dead, but in case someone wants to revive it, being revived. Games for the upcoming month are proposed around 4-5 days before the end of the month. Current proposals from the previous thread are:

>Demon's Crest

>Tougiou King Colossus

>Racing Lagoon

>Dungeon Travelers 2

>RJ386773 (/hgg/)

Anyway, are there any games you're looking forward to and what are you playing right now? I went back to playing Dragon's Crown, even though I'm still not done with 13 Sentinels.

Last thread: >>1164845

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Mark danced crazy!


Nintendo to end social media integration for their services, meaning Splatoon 2 plaza posts are gone forever and Splatoon 3 plaza posts can now be posted without linking a social media account. Jury's out on accessing clips but I presume there is a way to save them off-console without social media. Maybe they can introduce a proper fucking browser.



Browser was likely deliberately locked down because they're a favorite target for system modders and costly to maintain but rarely used for their intended purpose. Since building a browser with any kind of compatibility from scratch is non-viable for a non-dedicated company Nintendo and Sony just used a WebKit variant. Since the parent software has source available and fixed in mainline exploits well documented it's a weak point in otherwised closed source consoles. (Since MS is quite famous for having their own closed source browser, this doesn't impact Xbox)


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Whoever designed the fifth wave of this Eggstra Work is a sadist. I've never seen this many Flyfish spawn in at once. The stingers and drizzlers don't help matters. More than half the bosses don't even approach the basket.



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It's time to make some m/u/sic!

First Year High Schooler Himari Kino falls in love in first sight with her senpai, Yori Asanagi, vocalist who just has no experience with love.

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Things are heating up as new contenders join the yuri battle royale.



I’m not convinced though, blonde might just be bluffing to push pink into possessive mode.



Blonde doesn't look like she's bluffing about being in love, but she knows she's not much of a threat since Yori has no romantic interest in her at all.


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Mizuguchi was being wari to honki. But it's okay, apparently she's fine in the friendzone and not trying to start drama.

As for the main gays, now they're eating each other's salty tarts and headpatting in public. How indecent.


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Kaori likes 'em little.

Now opperation horeru ensou is underway. Hourensou for short.


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 No.1164714[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post whatever makes your ちんぽ feel happy.

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Does anyone know if it's possible to have more than one item in the basket on dmm/fanza?


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God, I love Neisan so much. I wish more of his stuff was translated.



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>can this really be called futa?

Kobayashi bully needs to stop.

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In a world where attacks by Kaijuu are commonplace, Hibino Kafka and Ashiro Mina's village was destroyed when they were children. They make a mutual promise to join the Defense Force and get their revenge on the Kaijuu menace. While Mina is wildly successful and enjoys a position as captain of a Defense Force squad, Kafka failed his test and gave up on the dream. He now works as a "cleaner," one of many who dispose of the corpse that the Defense Force leaves behind after killing a Kaijuu.

After a particularly shitty day on the job, Kafka is reminded of his promise with Mina when he sees her on television. The next day Ichikawa Reno, an upstart new recruit in the sweepers who is aiming for the Defense Force, asks Kafka why he gave up on becoming a member of the force himself, which further convinces Kafka that he's been lying to himself about being content as a cleaner. When a Yoju, a smaller Kaijuu, attacks after the job, Kafka convinces Reno to run and call in the threat. Both manage to survive long enough for the Defense Force to arrive, but they are injured and end up in the hospital.

While hospitalized, Reno persuades Kafka to try after a Defense Force job again. Just as Kafka resolves to do so, a Kaijuu appears in front of him in his hopsital bed. It dives into his mouth and transforms him into a Kaijuu himself! He convinces Reno that he's really himself, but a bystander calls in the threat.

With Mina and the Defense Force pursuing, what will become of the man who became a Kaijuu?

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>Kaijuu rocket punch

Cool. Good for Kafka that Kikoru decided to be a perfect liar and protect his kaijuu powers.


I assumed he was one of those nihilistic destroy society kind of guys at first, but we'll learn why this kaijuu is upset in no time.

>this is pretty dumb

At least the fight will be cool.



I thought the story was going to be gritty and dark like the Kafka novel the protagonist name is based upon.



I’m 5 episodes into this and wondering if I should drop this. I’m surprised I haven’t dropped this by now.


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Kafka successfully failed his way into a passing grade, not as an officer though, but as a cadet.

I like the zettai ryoiki on the female dress uniforms.


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An episode filled with friendship and training, but no naked ladies in the bath, unfortunately.

Looks like Kikoru made some new friends as well, I hope they don't die.


But he did transform, just like that one Kafka story.


I enjoy it, the characters are pretty fun and the violence is very much.


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 No.1194220[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about learning Japanese, including questions, resources, and personal achievements toward your goal. Previous thread (https://archive.is/wGvCY) has been past bump limit for a while.

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/

Resource Library: https://learnjapanese.moe/resources/

Material Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/reading%20list

Japanese-English Dictionary: https://jisho.org/

Japanese Dictionary: https://kotobank.jp/

312 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I don't think I've ever seen someone read it as まきば. The standard is ぼくじょう as far as I'm aware.



The 1974 Heidi anime sticks to the まきば reading.


Whats the difference between 魔法 and 魔導?



Your 中二度.






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 No.1171251[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's time for a new /loli/ stream thread!

I stream loli anime on cytube every Sunday at 12pm EST. I put up music (almost always 2hu arranges) an hour before the stream, and everyone is encouraged to add their own fun and entertaining videos for the post stream. This week we'll be watching the second half of Kyou no Go no Ni!


I usually link an episode every day for everyone to download and watch at their own leisure, so check those out whenever you like. Right now we've got our next stream starting in just 25 minutes. We've got some Fancy Lala lined up!

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It's time for some Fushigi!

Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy - 07



Coming up with a late Lilpri!

Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri - 21



Watching some more Zettai today!

Zettai Karen Children - 15



Here's some Fushigi tonight!

Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy - 08



Time for more Lilpri. Tomorrow we'll be streaming more RPG Real Estate!

Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri - 22


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 No.1122163[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread: >>499113

Weekly /yuri/ Streams

Every Saturday & Sunday at 9 PM EST



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File: 1714948034835.jpg (167.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 869ca170e3af0f260ed4ac8ee4….jpg)

Stream starts in 3 hours.


Battle Athletes Victory

Hikari to Mizu no Daphne

Kouryaku Wanted - Isekai Sukuimasu

Murder Princess

Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu


Starting stream.


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Stream starts in 3 hours.


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Delayed, tune in 30 minutes from now…


Starting stream.

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 No.1161894[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to the Anime Nabe, colloquially known as simply Nabe in it's fair appeal to the anon as a means to view as well as in many cases to share Japanese Anime of guaranteed excellence in most any given case easily and accessibly in a format to communicate with likeminded peers and make known in a public format the cheers and jeers an individual has about the media displayed during any given Saturday at 5pm Eastern Standard Time. Rotating a usual format of 4 episodes of one anime, 4 episodes of a second followed by some honorary slots we've sort of made along the way and an especially open free time to share anything you've prepared, feel free to share any anime you want by just prepping it into mp4 with hardcoded subs, asking where we're hosting the videos from in the channel at the time and bringing it along or bringing it up in the thread in case YOU CAN'T. Being that Christmas and all sorts of fun shit is around the corner, this very Saturday we're hosting Christmas nabe and for that we have the following thrown into a list and almost none of them, oh dear God just about all of them ready to share as a special! So get the fuck in here and join us for some anime while we're plastered on cheap dollar store cola's, gween tea and fed full of turkey jerky and nabe mostly made of beans!

>DiGiCharat Christmas Special

>DiGiCharat Winter Garden

>Tokyo Godfathers

>Pikachu's Winter Vacation


>Love Hina Silent Eve

>Chunibyo Sparkling Slapstick Noel

>Santa Company

>Disappearance of Haruhi

>Gundam Wing Endless Waltz

>Hanamaru Yochien - A Hanamaru Christmas

>Ichigatsu ni wa Christmas

>Lucky Star - Various Ways for Spending the Holy Night

>Patlabor TV - Eve’s Trap, Eve’s Terror

>You’re Under Arrest - Santa Claus Panic

>Yuru Camp - Christmas Camp!, Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls

>Gundam 0080: War in tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 1714245493431.mp4 (1.76 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 24.6 - Dr. Slump Creates A….mp4)

This week on burgernabe: Arale-chan specials that I've previously skipped over because I forgot about them and my batch folder is incomplete. Will also fill part of the Arale/Urashiman timeslot with Arale safety in an Aralethon.

Next week on burgernabe: We're watching the Queen Millennia movie! Because I'm not showing 42 episodes just to show a 1 hour special of Arale featuring Queen Millennia. This will take up both the Arale and Urashiman timeslot due to length (2 hours).


Following burgernabe will be the Arale-Millennia TV jack that I should have shown like two months ago complete with original advertisements, all subbed.


This week's Euronabe.

>Ultraviolet Code 044

>Akihabara Dennou Gumi

>Kurau Phantom Memory

>Chou Kidou Densetsu DinaGiga (Starting)

>Amazing Twins (Finishing)

>The Cockpit

>Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Quiet Country (Finishing)


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Looks like the OVAs are beginning.

Burgernabe will be in about two hours. We're washing Queen Millennia tonight in place of Arale and Urashiman, both of which will return next week with an Arale-Millennia collab and Urashiman, as-is.

Burger schedule:

>Queen Millennia (2 hour movie covering some 40-episode anime)

>Kodoku No Gurume Season 3 Episode 10 (35 minutes)

Debating a marathon of 2 Goros next week to finish season 3.

>Macross 7 episodes 35-38 + Guvava's backstory

Meme episode and also the plot will shift hard so prepare yourselves this week.

>Kemurikusa 7-8


>Insomnia nabe begins


This week's Euronabe.

>Ultraviolet Code 044 (Finishing)

>Akihabara Dennou Gumi

>Kurau Phantom Memory (Finishing)

>Tetsuwan Birdy DECODE (Starting)

>Chou Kidou Densetsu DinaGiga (Finishing)

>Casshern Robot Hunter (Starting)

>The Cockpit (Finishing)



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File: 1715462100736-3.mp4 (8.89 MB, 720x576, 5:4, [07405] Macross 7 Plus 10.mp4)

Burgernabe plans tonight and moving forward:

>Dr. Slump & Arale 15.5 Special: Slump meets Millennia with subtitled commercials for the authentic experience

>Kodoku no Gurume Season 3 Episode 11

>Macross 7 Episodes 39 (recap) and 40

>Kemurikusa episodes 09-12 (finishing)

>Feito UBW (finishing)

Next week's Burgernabe will be featuring Dokuro-chan in the Kemurikusa slot and we'll be finishing Gurume Season 3. The following week will be a Kodoku no Gurume movie after which Urashiman will jump to 3 episodes per evening and the Dokuro-chan block will be "retired."

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 No.1198028[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Manga thread, I/24, "You're late"-edition.

Old thread was slightly past it's bumb-limit. The new Dai Dark chapter was interesting. I think the author tried a new style for the first few pages, which wasn't bad looking.

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Worked fine for me last year but what I bought was not controversial.



Seems interesting enough. Torrenting it to my offline collection of hundreds (thousands?) of media (anime, manga, VNs, LNs) that I may or may not check out "one day" (when the internet goes down, you can come to my home and I'll copy them to your devices for free).

By the way, has it ended or is it still ongoing? Mangaupdates says it's complete (11 volumes), but MyAnimeList says it's still ongoing.

>the fear of your loli growing too old for your strike zone

I'm not an expert on this subject, but can't you use drugs (puberty blockers) to partially mitigate that?

>(Picture 2) I'm impressed by the number of people usually against these stories that are starting to accept it.

Really? To me it seems that people are increasingly anti-(2D)lolicon… or at least the law/corporations/banks are.



It was supposed to go for 10 volumes, but was extended to 11. Volume 10 feels like a finale of sorts already.

I wouldn't recommend turning your loli into a chemical abomination. 2D has lots of magical resolutions, but if you're trying to be somewhat realistic the only option is to exchange your loli once she reaches the expiration date. Failing that, one can cope with the child wife becoming a teen wife.

Minori does both, she's kind of a scumbag.

>Really? To me it seems that people are increasingly anti-(2D)lolicon… or at least the law/corporations/banks are.

I think she's referring to her manga specifically. Since it's light hearted and cute, I can see it being good entry level/conversion material.



I ordered a couple of manga from JP amazon, namely Armored Battle, Gaikou Kakkaku and a couple of volumes of Jashin-chan, and there wasn't any problem.

>Specifically controversial stuff.

Unless customs opens it and there's actual loli lewds on the cover, I doubt anybody would notice.


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Shimada is cute.

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 No.1203175[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread hit bump limit: >>1194908

The party sets out a with a renewed motivation, new objective, a new OP and a new ED.

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>The dream chapter was neat

It was, and I liked that the paintings hinted at things.


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Guess cooking nightmares cleans out all the bad parts of dreams.


>the way Izutsumi was speaking about it made it seem like both of them were black magic.

Not that Izutsumi would know the difference.


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I like that her pupils are dilating when she's nervous or excited.

I didn't notice it before but she did that in the manga too.



Loli Marcille is adorable. Now I want a whole spinoff show with her, fluffly dog Laios and doll Falin going on adventures together.



>Loli Marcille is adorable

If you think that's adorable, just wait until you see halffoot Marcille.

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Chef Miyamoto Miyasaka's cooking is out of this world, but so is the girl he fell for.

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I enjoyed the commentating on the mom video message.

What a twist, Mira is half human.


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Mira digs a hole.

Aoi got the push to invite Takumi to the insect festival.

Would you eat insects with Aoi?

I would, but I'm also starved for attention.



I’m actually surprised I stuck with the series this long and didn’t drop it already.


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Is she? Tasuke-san had some pretty pointy ears. He was also pretty bad about closing up that bomb shelter when he sees what anyone would assume is some new burger kind of bomb coming right for them.


I swear bug eating has been getting ridiculously common in anime.



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